Wednesday, 21 December 2005
Isaac is reaaly interested in lights, textures and colours. He sits and strokes things quite a lot, particularly blouses that Clare is wearing or duvets. It will be interesting to see if this continues to interest him, maybe the next Alexander McQueen. But hopefully slimmer.
Sunday, 18 December 2005

Isaac is about 6.5 months old now, and is a happy little chap most of the time. We went around to kate and pep's for an early xmas dinner last night, and he was a bit grumpy when he went to bed, but other than that had a great time playing with Oscar's toy toolbox.
He is sitting really well now, doesn't fall over very often. But when he does fall over he has no inclination to roll over yet. The bets he does is to grab his toes and make silly noises, eventually crying till Mummy picks him up. He started mimiccing noises this week as well - Dada types noises he can sort of copy which is exciting! He is pretty good at amusing himself as well now that he can sit up solidly.
Food is becoming more and more interesting - he loves eating. His favourites are now apricot, mango, apple and banana. He eats bananas direct from the skin, although he tends to bite of a bit too much sometimes and gags a bit. He eats about 12 or 14 cubes of food a day now, and drinks 4 feeds of 180ml formula. He's about 72cm long and weighs a metric ton. No but seriously, I think he's about 8.3kg or something.
He was doing something else a bit different just now, he sat there and raised his arms above his head and then dropped them down. Clare was showingg him how to do this yesterday, so it seemed like he was practicing or at least remembering something he'd been shown.
He still sits there in his high chair with his arms out like he is flying the whole time!
end of the breast
NB to Jamie's entry just now - we officially finished with the breastfeeding a few days ago :( It kind of dried up so had no choice, but still feel sad about it as we both really enjoyed it and it is the end of being the most important person to him. Now he drinks formula, eats pumpkin and says 'dada'. Hmmph
He also says 'cat' though, so at least Jamie has to share his newly won specially status with Georgie and Sybil!! hahahaha
I was trying to teach him how to pull up earlier, using the rings of the babygym that Kate and Pep leant us. He kind of got it after I showed him, but appeared incapable of figuring it out on his own! He has figured out plenty of other things, but apparently what his arms are for seems to have evaded him.
He is still teething bady - has been for weeks but no show. I think that maybe quite a few are lining up to come through, as his top gum is very hard and you can feel the profile of all his front teeth. I hope they come soon, preferably before Christmas.
He also says 'cat' though, so at least Jamie has to share his newly won specially status with Georgie and Sybil!! hahahaha
I was trying to teach him how to pull up earlier, using the rings of the babygym that Kate and Pep leant us. He kind of got it after I showed him, but appeared incapable of figuring it out on his own! He has figured out plenty of other things, but apparently what his arms are for seems to have evaded him.
He is still teething bady - has been for weeks but no show. I think that maybe quite a few are lining up to come through, as his top gum is very hard and you can feel the profile of all his front teeth. I hope they come soon, preferably before Christmas.
Tuesday, 15 November 2005
Family life

Isaac is watching the weakest link, Clare is doing a Su Doku puzzle, and I am reading about forex trading. Hmmmm, happy days. Clare and I are fairly quiet, Isaac is blowing the odd bubble.
Monday, 7 November 2005
food glorious food

I think a lot has happened since we last made an entry - oops. Isaac got his first tooth 2 weeks ago, after about 5 days of misery. Then 4 days later he got a second one. He is very proud of his two little pearly whites (bottom middle)!
He also started having a bit of babyrice at lunchtimes around 2 weeks ago, and then last Saturday (5th November) he had his first 'real' meal - pureed pear (mixed with babyrice). He LOVED it - ate loads more than he ever did of the rice alone. Sunday he had the same again, and today he had pureed pumpkin, which he loved too. God knows what we will find in his nappy after that, but was worth it for the comedy value alone. I 'choo chooed' it into his mouth, which he found hilarious, and he got it everywhere. He put his hands in it and smeared it all round the highchair, but I think playing iwth it is just as important as actually eating it at the moment (except pumpkin probably stains - ah well).
Also, about 2 weeks ago he rolled over from front to back for the first time (by accident, and not done it since) and nearly the same time, started being able to balance for a short while sitting up. Now he is still very wobbly but gradually getting better so sometimes he can sit for a few minutes, as long as he is playing with a toy. As soon as he realises what he is doing it seems, he falls over. Will be a little while yet I think!
For the past month he has been sleeping 12 hours straight through at night - it is AMAZING! Even when he was teething he still slept through once he got to sleep. Still not expecting it to last, but looking like he MIGHT really be quite a good sleeper. Small mercies..
Sunday, 2 October 2005
It's been probably well over half of Isaac's lifetime since I last wrote a blog entry, so thats not very good at all. He has probably developed quite a few new skills since last time, and he's certainly packed on a few more pounds. I think he is about 7.6kg.
We just got back from lunch with the baby gang, I met a few of the people that have just been names until now. Colwyn and Gavin were very agreeable people. Gavin is making a video diary of Duran Duran which sounded pretty fun. Following Duran Duran around the world witha video camera, hmmm thats hard work.
Anyway, Isaac showed off by grinning and giggling at everyone - out of the group he seems to be the most socially engaging. The others have their skills of course but Isaac just beams at people all the time (as long as he is in the mood). He also sat in one of the high-chairs that they have at Cafe Amsterdam and ate a bit more baby rice!! Then after lunch Clare changed him, after which he did an enormous poo and I went to change him again.
We had a babysitter last night, and got nice and drunk at Kate's (from Kate and Pep) birthday. Was nice to get out and leave the tinker at home for once.
Now I have to read about investment funds, as we have a financial advisor, i mean, Wideboy, coming round on Monday night to tell us some interesting stuff and dodge questions.
I forgot to list Isaac's injuries today so far: Banged head on floor while sitting with Clare on rug; got his leg caught bent back under me whilst sat at lunch; got his leg stuck through the bars of his cot just now. He is officially 'in the wars' for the first time.
We just got back from lunch with the baby gang, I met a few of the people that have just been names until now. Colwyn and Gavin were very agreeable people. Gavin is making a video diary of Duran Duran which sounded pretty fun. Following Duran Duran around the world witha video camera, hmmm thats hard work.
Anyway, Isaac showed off by grinning and giggling at everyone - out of the group he seems to be the most socially engaging. The others have their skills of course but Isaac just beams at people all the time (as long as he is in the mood). He also sat in one of the high-chairs that they have at Cafe Amsterdam and ate a bit more baby rice!! Then after lunch Clare changed him, after which he did an enormous poo and I went to change him again.
We had a babysitter last night, and got nice and drunk at Kate's (from Kate and Pep) birthday. Was nice to get out and leave the tinker at home for once.
Now I have to read about investment funds, as we have a financial advisor, i mean, Wideboy, coming round on Monday night to tell us some interesting stuff and dodge questions.
I forgot to list Isaac's injuries today so far: Banged head on floor while sitting with Clare on rug; got his leg caught bent back under me whilst sat at lunch; got his leg stuck through the bars of his cot just now. He is officially 'in the wars' for the first time.
Monday, 26 September 2005
3 more weeks have gone by

well yes, 3 more weeks have gone by. We went to France for a week with Kate and Pep and little Oscar (18 months) - had a really lovely time. It was a bit of a taste of what is to come - he is very high energy and demanding, but also a very sweet, lovely little boy. I can't imagine Isaac actually running around and talking though.
Developmentally, he learned to suck his thumb last week. He was exploring his mouth with his fingers, and I guess he must have realised his thumb was rather tasty. The only problem is he splays all his other fingers and keeps poking himself in the eye! He is also getting stronger and sits up better (with support). We bought him a highchair at the weekend and he can sit in that well for 5 mins or so. He also sits and plays with his play cube if I have him wedged between my knees - he is beginning to learn about balance I think. He also rolled over for the first time last week. He did it accidentally, as I had showed him how if he lies on his side he can reach his toys with both hands, so he started doing that and then suddenly flopped on to his belly - and then cried as he hates 'tummy time'! He hasn't done it since.
We tried to give him a bottle when we were in France, as I wanted a couple of nights of uninterupted sleep. We discovered that some time in the last 2 months he has decided he doesn't like bottles :( We have tried to give him one every day since, first of formula and now of breast milk, but he just played about with it and cried until 2 days ago when he drunk 60ml from Jamie holding it. But then yesterday he refused again, and tonight he took 30ml from me but it took 30 mins! I hope we can convert him soon as I can't really go out now. And I am thinking of going back to work quite soon too.
Monday, 5 September 2005
3 months 8 days

A lot has happened since the last entry. We went to the UK for 2 weeks to take Isaac to meet all his relatives - it was really lovely though a bit tiring. He has now met everybody except the great aunts and uncles (and he has even met two of those) which isn't bad for a 3 month old who lives abroad.
Anyway, he has also developed a lot in the last month. He is sitting chatting to me right now in fact. He has a lot more sounds and understands the concept of communication now I think. He also smiles a lot and giggles and chuckles, which is heart-melting.
It is now Wednesday. Isaac is absolutely desperate to sit up this week - he pulls on everything, and if you hold his fingers he pulls up to sitting and even to standing really easily now. He is also pushing up better on his front and seems a bit more happy on his belly. I have been teaching him to roll over but he doesn't really get it yet. He laughs when I push him over though!
He is also copying what I say more. He said 'boo' yesterday after I had repeated it too him several (hundred) times, and he also did a kind of brrmmm noise, with lots of bubbles involved!
He seems generally much more coordinated and deliberate in his actions - grabbing things and manipulating them easily. He finds pressing buttons hard still, but I am not sure if he has quite connected the buttons with the noises they make yet so that might be why. He has an 'activity cube' that his great aunt barbara (seems funny to call her that!!) gave him and he can spin the 'barrel' thing deliberately and easily. We are still working on the other 5 sides!
Oh, one thing that I want to note from holiday, is that when we were queuing for passport control in England the car was stationery for ages, and Isaac hates his car seat so he started screaming. We put on his nursery rhyme cd that he listens to every day at home, and within 10 seconds he was quiet. You can of course never tell if they are actually taking in something like that, but evidently he was and he finds it soothing. No wonder he is usually so good in the mornings!
Monday, 22 August 2005
don't play with your flab

we are on holiday in england - that seems like a strange concept in itself! We are down in Weymouth at the moment with Jamie's parents, and have had a lovely few days visiting his grandparents and also my dad and Sarah in Bournemouth, and having a BBQ in the garden etc. Weather has been great - very sunny and warm, and Isaac has been enjoying looking at the leaves and the blue sky and green of the grass - he seems to be fascinated by gardens.
Jamie and I went out for a meal this evening and Miranda and Chris babysat Isaac. When we got back we found him up and feeding from a bottle of expressed milk - he usually doesn't eat in the night til 3 or 4 am, and this was 11pm. hmmm - playing up already! Anyway, he is back in bed now and seems to be sleeping alright.
We wanted to write down a particular theory / observation that we concocted this evening about Isaac - only we had too much to drink and now we can't remember it. maybe tomorrow.
It is great to have a child, even if it has left me with an extra stone of flab - and Jamie seems to have extra flab too even though he only observed the process!!!
He seems like he is quite sensitive to people's faces and emotions - like he knows if someone is genuinely interested in him or not.
Saturday, 13 August 2005
Note to self (Clare)
My menstrual cycle has resumed normal operation. Splendid. 10 weeks, 6 days since D-Day.
Wednesday, 10 August 2005

Just a quick note that Isaac is really grabbing well at things now - if you give him a toy he grasps it with both hands and clasps it to his chest or starts to explore it a bit. Kate has lent us a few new toys and he was really getting to grips with them.
He is also playing with his 'speeltuin' although he isn't really looking at it when he hits the buttons, so I guess it is all rather random still. He is also smiling and giggling more, and looks at me even when someone else is holding him (even when he is with jamie sometimes!).
He has also taking to waking up suddenly from daytime naps and screaming as if he has just been stung by a bee. Not sure what that is all about. But he has been sleeping really well at night for about 2 weeks now too - he sleeps from 7.30pm to between 6.30 and 7.30am, waking only once between 2 and 3am for food. Long may it last..
Clare finally had her baby today after being sent home from the hospital rather than being induced last week. She was induced instead on Monday morning 8am and gave birth at 2.30 this morning (wednesday) to her son, Luka Alexander. 4.3kg and another boy - that means everyone in my yoga class - Julia (Joop), Jelena (Bruno), Tara (Finn), Clare (Luka) and me - all had boys! Weird.
Friday, 5 August 2005

Isaac is a touch grizzly today. Took him for his jabs this morning - for diptheria, polio, whooping cough & tetenus. I didn't watch, but he screamed out and cried for a bit but wasn't too bad til we got out of the surgery, then he cried for about 20 minutes before I could leave the building to walk home (in the rain). Now he is kind of ok, but keeps crying then settling, then crying again.
I set up a playpen for him yesterday in his travel cot, and bought him some new toys - a 'speeltuin' with lots of buttons and buzzers that play horrible tunes as it turns out - not what I would have chosen if I had realised, but I am sure he will love it. He hit at the rabbit's carrot a few times yesterday when Jamie was holding it in front of him. Also bought him a couple of rattles and a teething ring, and a ridiculous blob thing that laughs when you squeeze it - I hope he never gets the hang of doing that himself! I can see why parents find their children's toys so irritating!! Anyway, put them all in the playpen, hanging off the sides and a pole across the top, and I also made him a felt banner for the end of the pen with 6 simple shapes on it so he can learn them when he gets a bit older.
Anyway, I digress! They also took his measurements at the consultatie bureau - 61cm long, 5.77kg and head 41cm - about 75th percentile for all three so he is well in balance. The nurse was a bit concerned about his head shape so called in the doctor. She said that it wasn't particularly strange and is probably permanent although it may round out a bit more. I guess it won't look so odd when he grows some hair (!) and anyway isn't as bad as it was.
Clare O'Donnell is in hospital today to be induced, as they discovered her baby has an irregular heart beat. She is 12 days overdue. She had wanted a home water birth, so she must be pretty gutted, but at least she will have her baby soon. We await news..
Tuesday, 2 August 2005
Afterwards I showed him himself in the mirror. He normally just lolls about and doesn't really do a lot, but this time he leant forward and really looked interested. He then made an inquisitive noise and really smiled at himself. It was amazing, he obviously didn't realise he was looking at himself, since he has no concept of self - but to react to another baby in the mirror was pretty good going! I kept him there until my back really hurt leaning over the bathroom shelf and then Clare took him off to 'tit feed' as we now call it. Clare always refers to 'the breast' as people do with 'breast feeding'. It sounds so royal, 'The Breast'. So we are going to call it 'the tit', and 'tit feeding'.
Monday, 1 August 2005
Discovering hands

Isaac discovered that his hands taste nice this week. He has progressed from
quite lame attempts to suck his thumb to full on finger sucking (still
has problems unfolding his thumb in order to suck it). Today he is 9
weeks and 2 days old.
In the last week he has been making so
many more noises and really reacts to being jiggled around to music.
His ability to amuse himself is getting better as well. He sits in his
chair making silly noises and bashing his baby gym for up to half an
hour! Last week he could not really hold on to the rings of the baby
gym, but now he is getting better and better at curling 1 or 2 fingers
around a ring and sometime pulling quite hard on it. He is getting
quite good at lying on his front and not crying, he lifts his head and
upper body up quite well, but its mostly his back muscles - he doesnt
realise that his arms are useful in this regard - what a dummy!
some reason in the last week he also seems to like mucking around
during breast feeding. He stops at some point and starts shoving his
fist in his mouth and generally treating all like a bit of a game.
We also picked up the car last week and so went on our first trip - to the Kroller Muller sculpture museum and park. It was ace.
Things Isaac can't do at the moment but might be coming soon...
* Turn his head towards noise (such as parents calling his name)
* Look ast his hands and then do something with them (known in professional circles as 'regarding ones hands'). Oooh, posh.
Monday, 25 July 2005
Rainy days

Well, finally we get around to starting a blog for young master Isaac Jamie Foggon. He is definitely the young master, possibly even the drunken master - I've seen him lying on his back practising his moves.
We wanted to create this because Isaac is developing really fast now, and we know we will forget all the things that are happening each day. Also, I'm sure he will probably love reading this in a few years with his friends at school, aaaaah.
The last time we posted was about 10 months ago when Clare was pregnant - we had some pics of the scan, and even a video. The problem was that I had it all on my laptop where I had installed MovableType. I re-installed the system folder and forgot that it would mean re-installing everything. Had enough of that, so its over to blogger where the cool dudes hang their words.
We have Giles, Lucy and Noah here this weekend, and we are about to eat dinner so I can't write a lot. But its pretty boring at the moment, so I think as a first blog we can just list Isaac's skillset, I suppose a bit like his CV. Maybe I can even group them under type or something...
CV: Isaac Jamie Foggon, Age 8 weeks 2 days.
Key skills: Shadow boxing, Wailing, Looking generally busy with things.
- Pooing
- Weeing
- Smiling back (appeared to be doing this from 2-3 weeks)
- Watching mobiles go round (from about 3 or 4 weeks)
- Kicking
- Cooing
- Whooping
- Minor giggle type things
- Bashing baby gym
- Puking
- Holding rattle
- Holding hoops on baby gym (generally accidentally)
- Sleeping when supposed to
- Pushing head up when lying on front
Beginner / Novice
- Turning towards sounds (not really done it)
- Shaking rattle
More to come soon, exciting eh?
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