Sunday 18 December 2005

end of the breast

NB to Jamie's entry just now - we officially finished with the breastfeeding a few days ago :( It kind of dried up so had no choice, but still feel sad about it as we both really enjoyed it and it is the end of being the most important person to him. Now he drinks formula, eats pumpkin and says 'dada'. Hmmph

He also says 'cat' though, so at least Jamie has to share his newly won specially status with Georgie and Sybil!! hahahaha

I was trying to teach him how to pull up earlier, using the rings of the babygym that Kate and Pep leant us. He kind of got it after I showed him, but appeared incapable of figuring it out on his own! He has figured out plenty of other things, but apparently what his arms are for seems to have evaded him.

He is still teething bady - has been for weeks but no show. I think that maybe quite a few are lining up to come through, as his top gum is very hard and you can feel the profile of all his front teeth. I hope they come soon, preferably before Christmas.

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