Isaac discovered that his hands taste nice this week. He has progressed from
quite lame attempts to suck his thumb to full on finger sucking (still
has problems unfolding his thumb in order to suck it). Today he is 9
weeks and 2 days old.
In the last week he has been making so
many more noises and really reacts to being jiggled around to music.
His ability to amuse himself is getting better as well. He sits in his
chair making silly noises and bashing his baby gym for up to half an
hour! Last week he could not really hold on to the rings of the baby
gym, but now he is getting better and better at curling 1 or 2 fingers
around a ring and sometime pulling quite hard on it. He is getting
quite good at lying on his front and not crying, he lifts his head and
upper body up quite well, but its mostly his back muscles - he doesnt
realise that his arms are useful in this regard - what a dummy!
some reason in the last week he also seems to like mucking around
during breast feeding. He stops at some point and starts shoving his
fist in his mouth and generally treating all like a bit of a game.
We also picked up the car last week and so went on our first trip - to the Kroller Muller sculpture museum and park. It was ace.
Things Isaac can't do at the moment but might be coming soon...
* Turn his head towards noise (such as parents calling his name)
* Look ast his hands and then do something with them (known in professional circles as 'regarding ones hands'). Oooh, posh.
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