I think a lot has happened since we last made an entry - oops. Isaac got his first tooth 2 weeks ago, after about 5 days of misery. Then 4 days later he got a second one. He is very proud of his two little pearly whites (bottom middle)!
He also started having a bit of babyrice at lunchtimes around 2 weeks ago, and then last Saturday (5th November) he had his first 'real' meal - pureed pear (mixed with babyrice). He LOVED it - ate loads more than he ever did of the rice alone. Sunday he had the same again, and today he had pureed pumpkin, which he loved too. God knows what we will find in his nappy after that, but was worth it for the comedy value alone. I 'choo chooed' it into his mouth, which he found hilarious, and he got it everywhere. He put his hands in it and smeared it all round the highchair, but I think playing iwth it is just as important as actually eating it at the moment (except pumpkin probably stains - ah well).
Also, about 2 weeks ago he rolled over from front to back for the first time (by accident, and not done it since) and nearly the same time, started being able to balance for a short while sitting up. Now he is still very wobbly but gradually getting better so sometimes he can sit for a few minutes, as long as he is playing with a toy. As soon as he realises what he is doing it seems, he falls over. Will be a little while yet I think!
For the past month he has been sleeping 12 hours straight through at night - it is AMAZING! Even when he was teething he still slept through once he got to sleep. Still not expecting it to last, but looking like he MIGHT really be quite a good sleeper. Small mercies..
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