Isaac is about 6.5 months old now, and is a happy little chap most of the time. We went around to kate and pep's for an early xmas dinner last night, and he was a bit grumpy when he went to bed, but other than that had a great time playing with Oscar's toy toolbox.
He is sitting really well now, doesn't fall over very often. But when he does fall over he has no inclination to roll over yet. The bets he does is to grab his toes and make silly noises, eventually crying till Mummy picks him up. He started mimiccing noises this week as well - Dada types noises he can sort of copy which is exciting! He is pretty good at amusing himself as well now that he can sit up solidly.
Food is becoming more and more interesting - he loves eating. His favourites are now apricot, mango, apple and banana. He eats bananas direct from the skin, although he tends to bite of a bit too much sometimes and gags a bit. He eats about 12 or 14 cubes of food a day now, and drinks 4 feeds of 180ml formula. He's about 72cm long and weighs a metric ton. No but seriously, I think he's about 8.3kg or something.
He was doing something else a bit different just now, he sat there and raised his arms above his head and then dropped them down. Clare was showingg him how to do this yesterday, so it seemed like he was practicing or at least remembering something he'd been shown.
He still sits there in his high chair with his arms out like he is flying the whole time!
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