A lot has happened since the last entry. We went to the UK for 2 weeks to take Isaac to meet all his relatives - it was really lovely though a bit tiring. He has now met everybody except the great aunts and uncles (and he has even met two of those) which isn't bad for a 3 month old who lives abroad.
Anyway, he has also developed a lot in the last month. He is sitting chatting to me right now in fact. He has a lot more sounds and understands the concept of communication now I think. He also smiles a lot and giggles and chuckles, which is heart-melting.
It is now Wednesday. Isaac is absolutely desperate to sit up this week - he pulls on everything, and if you hold his fingers he pulls up to sitting and even to standing really easily now. He is also pushing up better on his front and seems a bit more happy on his belly. I have been teaching him to roll over but he doesn't really get it yet. He laughs when I push him over though!
He is also copying what I say more. He said 'boo' yesterday after I had repeated it too him several (hundred) times, and he also did a kind of brrmmm noise, with lots of bubbles involved!
He seems generally much more coordinated and deliberate in his actions - grabbing things and manipulating them easily. He finds pressing buttons hard still, but I am not sure if he has quite connected the buttons with the noises they make yet so that might be why. He has an 'activity cube' that his great aunt barbara (seems funny to call her that!!) gave him and he can spin the 'barrel' thing deliberately and easily. We are still working on the other 5 sides!
Oh, one thing that I want to note from holiday, is that when we were queuing for passport control in England the car was stationery for ages, and Isaac hates his car seat so he started screaming. We put on his nursery rhyme cd that he listens to every day at home, and within 10 seconds he was quiet. You can of course never tell if they are actually taking in something like that, but evidently he was and he finds it soothing. No wonder he is usually so good in the mornings!
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