Wednesday 24 November 2004

'Been ill'

Jamie: "What's been happening this week then?"

Clare: "Been ill, not feeling very well 'n' stuff, and you been doing video".

Clare has really been feeling crap, but she has been oh so brave. She has reverted back to being a child, perhaps because little Mojo only like pizza, and not steamed vegetables, like most little boys. Anyway, Clare wants pizza for dinner every night, and stuffs it down only to feel sick and overly full slightly later. We are in week 15 now, and he is probably about 11cm long so pretty big. So while Mojo is busy growing away on clare's pizza nutrients - what's going on in the world. Well if this diary survives a decent amount of time it might be interesting to know that George Bush junior just got re-elected as president of the US. So it seems like the world has gone insane. Well America has anyway. And he has just appointed the most nationalistic foreign secretary - Condoleeza Rice. It starts to give a potential parent thoughts about what the world will be like when Mojo is a bit older.

On a brighter note, the scan movie is now compressed, so here it is: Mojo at 14 weeks!!

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