Saturday 4 August 2007

An Isaac quote

Had to record this, a little comment from Isaac just now when I was reading his bedtime story - his book had torn a bit where the pages were stuck after he had spilt his drink over it some time ago. Isaac saw it, and said "I spilt my drink on Henry's footplate Daddy!". He's 2 yrs and 2 months! Some kids can barely say more than a 2 or 3 word sentence. And I had no idea he knew what a footplate was - in fact I didn't know it myself.

We had a good day today, went out this morning on the bike and bought him a new cycle helmet, bought myself a couple of polo shirts from Adidas shop then came back for lunch. He went to sleep, I painted the window, then we went to the pool in the park where Ike proceeded to run pretty much all around the pool for about an hour and a half. Then we had a massive spaghetti bol and cake and custard for pudding. Now he is singing in bed while I finish painting the window.

I still have a pounding headache. Never again will i drink Prosecco, then finish off with a Leffe Dubbel. Felt like I had been kicked in the head by a horse most of today.

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