Monday 15 February 2010

Midnight wee

I'd been out playing squash, so I didn't see the kids before bed. When I got home, Clare went out. Then I forgot to put Rosa on the loo, so when I went up she'd wet the bed. She can't quite make it through till midnight, never mind the next morning. She's totally unconcerned about this, so probably good not to make a big deal about it.

Anyway, I put her on the loo in her totally out of it slumber state. She sat there and lolled her head, eventually looking at me through bleary eyes in the bright bathroom light. 'My Daddy wears that cardigan', she said. 'I am your Daddy', I said. I could have asked her why she wasn't more concerned that there was a strange man putting her on the loo in the middle of the night dressed in her Daddy's 'cardigan' - its a rather cool tracksuit top actually. 'Oh yeah' she said, realising it was me - she was still about 75% asleep. She lolled over again, and then said 'Daddy you're here' with a blissful smile. That's about as good as it gets as a Dad I think. She then topped it off by waking up to about 50% and proudly announcing that she'd eaten all of her dinner, and her lunch.

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