well yes, 3 more weeks have gone by. We went to France for a week with Kate and Pep and little Oscar (18 months) - had a really lovely time. It was a bit of a taste of what is to come - he is very high energy and demanding, but also a very sweet, lovely little boy. I can't imagine Isaac actually running around and talking though.
Developmentally, he learned to suck his thumb last week. He was exploring his mouth with his fingers, and I guess he must have realised his thumb was rather tasty. The only problem is he splays all his other fingers and keeps poking himself in the eye! He is also getting stronger and sits up better (with support). We bought him a highchair at the weekend and he can sit in that well for 5 mins or so. He also sits and plays with his play cube if I have him wedged between my knees - he is beginning to learn about balance I think. He also rolled over for the first time last week. He did it accidentally, as I had showed him how if he lies on his side he can reach his toys with both hands, so he started doing that and then suddenly flopped on to his belly - and then cried as he hates 'tummy time'! He hasn't done it since.
We tried to give him a bottle when we were in France, as I wanted a couple of nights of uninterupted sleep. We discovered that some time in the last 2 months he has decided he doesn't like bottles :( We have tried to give him one every day since, first of formula and now of breast milk, but he just played about with it and cried until 2 days ago when he drunk 60ml from Jamie holding it. But then yesterday he refused again, and tonight he took 30ml from me but it took 30 mins! I hope we can convert him soon as I can't really go out now. And I am thinking of going back to work quite soon too.