we are on holiday in england - that seems like a strange concept in itself! We are down in Weymouth at the moment with Jamie's parents, and have had a lovely few days visiting his grandparents and also my dad and Sarah in Bournemouth, and having a BBQ in the garden etc. Weather has been great - very sunny and warm, and Isaac has been enjoying looking at the leaves and the blue sky and green of the grass - he seems to be fascinated by gardens.
Jamie and I went out for a meal this evening and Miranda and Chris babysat Isaac. When we got back we found him up and feeding from a bottle of expressed milk - he usually doesn't eat in the night til 3 or 4 am, and this was 11pm. hmmm - playing up already! Anyway, he is back in bed now and seems to be sleeping alright.
We wanted to write down a particular theory / observation that we concocted this evening about Isaac - only we had too much to drink and now we can't remember it. maybe tomorrow.
It is great to have a child, even if it has left me with an extra stone of flab - and Jamie seems to have extra flab too even though he only observed the process!!!
He seems like he is quite sensitive to people's faces and emotions - like he knows if someone is genuinely interested in him or not.