Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Rosa at 8 weeks

Rosa's first blog post, and it's not going to be a long one. Poor Rosa. MWUAH Rosa, or even MWURosa!

She is really starting to look lovely now, more and more awake and alert - and demanding attention. She makes funny noises like she is breathing in while squawking when something surprises her.

She also tracks things quite well now with her eyes, and grabs hold of rings / toys attached to her baby gym. She giggled once the other day, and smiles and coos a lot when we talk to her. Happy days innit. She can almost hold something approaching a crawl position as well - very strong head and neck!

In terms of general behaviour, she is very good at sleeping in the evening now. She goes down at around 7pm and doesn't usually wake up till around 2 or 3 for food - but sometimes has bad nights, not often recently though.

She's lovely and chubby, and today she blew her first bubble. Well done Dosa!

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Happy brrr brrras

Isaac was trying to pronounce the name of a book, not sure what it was actually called but instead of Happy Christmas it came out as Happy brrr brrrras - like someone making the sound of a phone ringing. Very cute and seriously funny.

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Thursday, 11 January 2007

Ike's words

Ok Rosa is here as well now, and we haven't done a blog entry for AAAAAGGGESS. But Isaac has said some funny things in the last few weeks, and here they are before i forget them.

Jamie: Isaac, can you say 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' ?

Isaac: Yes.

Jamie (carrying Isaac, can't find something): Oh bloody hell.

Isaac: Oh, baby owl.

Bigger digger, hello digger, dig a bigger digger, digger gone, where digger dunno. Where man dunno. What ya doin man? What's he found? Down ner (down there). At dairs (up stairs). Diat! (Biscuit). Aboodah (elephant). Badnan (Panda). Not our lucky day! MWUAH ROSA!!!!

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